Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall (2)

Already it's the end of October and the woods continue to change daily. Monday I began my week with a walk along the River. After a weekend of heavy downpours of rain and attending to several commitments it was a good time to experience beauty and peace. The morning sun entered the woods highlighting the colored leaves still waiting to drop. With blue skies and no wind the forest was still while the Ramapo slowly drifted southward carrying leaves resting on the water's surface.

This is my second post on Fall and in just one month the woods have changed significantly. Although the temperatures are in the 60s the trees have nearly all dropped their cyclic cover. Just as I enjoy the empty woods of the Spring, full of anticipation of the plant growth to come I now enjoy the fall and the empty trees readying themselves for the cold winds due within the next month. Walking along the River I imagine the 18th century farmers harvesting their crops from the rich and replenished soil of the flood plane. The land remains beautiful.

It is the fall where the path opens up, the clutter is removed and the next steps appear so clearly. The underbrush has disappeared and the leaves create a new bed 'settling into colorful layers carpeting the ground' (Edward Hirsch). Squirrels dart through the environment and continue their work in preparation for the next days of shorter daylight as we approach the winter solstice.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Clearing in the Woods- Fall (1)

Fall arrived last week without much fanfare. I've had a sore back condition for about 3-4 weeks in August/September and I am rejoicing to be pain free...and back hiking. Today's temperatures were 74 and humid with lots of wind from the southwest as a new colder front moves in.

The two most inspiring periods in the woods are Spring and Fall. In Spring you can see the new growth sprouting in April and by the end of May the trees are in full leaf and the ground cover has filled in. It goes from empty space to full green thick growth in that two months. And now, early Fall, the green cover has subsided, the river level has subsided and the woods yells out with the sound of dropping leaves forming a rug on which to hike, padded seats on which to rest, and colors on which to feast your eyes.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whitey Stands Out

It's August and it's hot. The broad leaf skunk cabbage has dried up in the woods leaving more open space for viewing. We continue to be visited by the buck, about 2-4 times a week, mostly in the evening. The scenario goes like this...from the back deck you can hear the sounds of crumbling branches as something is walking over them. But nothing is visible. Then a little while later 2 or 3 deer come forward toward our yard to eat. They're attracted to downed trees with leaves still growing and also to small bushes--fortunately all in the woods. They stay for about a half hour or perhaps more and watch us and eat, watch us and eat-- all in continuum. So while deer in the backyard have become the expected it is always a thrill to see them so active in our local community.

Whitey 16Nov2009

This past weekend three new deer members emerged. A pure white doe with a few brown patches visited along with two fawns (complete with spots). We first saw them in the leaf lounge (the pile of leaves where the deer like to lay down)munching on tree leaves. In form, 'Whitey' looks like her brown fur friends but she is definitely different. She is an albino. With her dominant white fur she doesn't fit into any form of woods camoflouge. She is plainly visible with her white fur contrasting against the greens and browns. Her two fawns are brown and have the typical dull white spots of youth. They are about half the mother's size and where she goes they go.

So this post is about again about the beauty of wildlife and the many forms it takes. And it is also about contrast and about living while standing out with all of our uniqueness. What is your uniqueness? How do you stand out in your woods?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Ramapo Meadow

Today I went back to the meadow. This time a little earlier, a little less blue in the sky, the trees still the same and this time I had my camera and and this time I was joined by the deer. These meadow photos show the grass, the dew, the lake and give you a sense of this early morning place of peace.

Many ideas in the universe are symmetric. I like looking at the tree line being perfectly folded at the water's edge and then reflected as an image on the surface. You can see that in photos 14 and in more succinctly in 15. I like to imagine the folding line- between physical and the image. On days with calm water you really have to look closely.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Grass with Dew

walking in the field
long dry grass filled with August dew
reflecting colors of pink against the blue sky
contrasting with green leaves on the mountain
my eyes well up in fullness
and I stand unable to explain why

I call it sensing beauty
beauty stands before me
beauty fills me as the willing observer

I've walked this exact trail before
sat on this same lake side bench before
and still today is a totally new experience

I did not come here today seeking to revive hope
I did not come here today to explore faith
but my hope and faith are uplifted
as I witness and experience
the same known surroundings with a
new profound sense of ...divine beauty

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

King Buck

Building on the last post... Two nights ago there were six buck in the back woods-- all at once. That's three more than recent weeks and an all time high. I have been perplexed on the guys hanging out, specifically their friendliness together, my unexpected sighting of the licking and wondering about the domestication of these animals. It's unclear to me whether traveling as a group comes from their natural way of life or if it is an effect of living in a habitat constricted area of northern New Jersey. The guys continue to come every night before sunset and stay for about an hour, eating the newest leaves and resting in the leaf beds.

Among the six there are four who are smaller size. One of the four displays a limp and very limited use of his left rear leg- probably a casualty of a run in with a car. Then there are two big guys who seem to travel together. My observation is that with six males in the yard the larger animals keep a distance from the smaller. While the two big guys went for the bed of leaves the smaller guys stayed about 30 yards away. One time there was a disagreement when one of them went wanted to join them on the bed. A few snorts, a quick head but and kick and the smaller guy moved on.

In this picture is the 'King Buck', sporting the largest antler rack I've ever seen close up. So my theory today is that there is a hierarchy going on in the group of 6 that can be occasionally adversarial. And second, the group of 6 appears to be two sub-groups of larger and smaller bucks. I will continue to observe-- all the while re-confirming that Nature, including these friends, is wondrous.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Boys in the Back

This past week the boys, that is the buck deer, have reestablished themselves in our back yard. In the middle of summer the woods are thick with leaves, vines, downed trees still alive and ground cover. The squirrels shake the trees on their majestic jumps from branch to branch while the cardinals and humming birds are active both in song and in flight.

As summer has passed, the buck have increased their rack size since the earlier spring post. I look for them every day but it seems like it's the evening when they want to settle down and rest in the bed of leaves. Recently, I have been on an investigation about the turtle population of New Jersey and I never considered the lives of a buck deer until they started to come around regularly. In Pennsylvania stories circulate about the wisdom and elusiveness of bucks during hunting season so I am always awed to see them. Last weekend I walked closer to take photos while they rested. They continued with their own business as I walked toward them, keenly watching and allowing me to get within 100 feet. But when I sat on the grass that was too much and off they went into the thick woods where we could hear them but not see them.

This week they've visited the leaf zone at least twice. Three males, all antlered walked down the grass and into the woods. On nature type TV Darwin's natural selection model usually portrays males as territorial and controlling in order to show their 'mate with me' attributes to females. Our back yard boys are about the same size with one slightly larger than the other two. Witnessing them come into our yard was one amazing thing- but as you'll see in this 37 second video two bucks approached each other and started to lick each others neck. The big antlers somehow staying out of the way they continued for at least 3 minutes. What an amazing thing to witness. So that's what really happens in the back woods.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Polarization and the Scene of the Week

I really enjoy wearing my polarized sunglasses. The blues turn to deep blues, the interface of sky against clouds becomes much more contrasted. Polarizing moves apparent dull and haze into bright and deeper colors. The act of polarization takes the randomness of the light and filters it or aligns it to one direction. Take a look at these two pictures, almost identically taken but with polarized light (top) and randomly polarized light(bottom). Notice the bluer sky, the darker picture overall, and can see greater depth or contrast to the hills in the view.

So as part of the 4th of July Celebration Ted and I went for a ride to Bear Mountain State Park. It was a windy day so we first drove to Haverstraw in search of good sailing pictures, but none stood out. We drove up along the Hudson on Rt 9W and entered the park, traveling to Perkins Memorial Drive and to the tower. I've been to the tower before two or three times, once in Spring, once in fall but this time it was a clear summer day. We didn't take many pictures- I was unable to find a way for the camera to completely capture the tone and view of the outdoors. After after the BBQ and before the fireworks, I looked at the photos on a big screen and this one took my breath away. It's the scene of the week. I love the flowing hills, fully green and presenting their shape. I love the bright blueness and the line of clouds lying starkly white against the blue. Amazing.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Turtle's Creed

A poem, Yes, by William Stafford fits my interpretation of the turtle rising from the green soup to lounge, head lifted toward the sun. 'It could happen any time."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Green Mystery

At some time, it looks like the landowners diverted the Ramapo River to feed a short canal. I haven't researched the why; perhaps it was to provide water access to the falling building that remains. Over time the canal was blocked at one end and now every summer green slime covers the water. Walking by the green pond to get to the better hiking areas I often hear the frogs, but they are invisible. This week we witnessed two great species, frogs and turtles. I'm renaming it 'FnT pond.'

A woman came up to us and enthusiastically asked, 'have you seen the turtles on the log?!' It took a moment but there were plenty of Turtles sunning. Click on the picture to enlarge and count them- there are 9, from small to the largest pond turtle I've seen- the one on log to the left. Next time I walk through here I'll continue to be on turtle patrol, adding to the relevant research on turtle behavior and sociological aspects of the species.

So Much Rain

When I was in my mid teens my family built a house in Northeast Pennsylvania. It was the house built on the rock. My father had many talents and he applied them in this 5 year project. In year one, we planned to build the walls and raise the roof during Dad's 2 week vacation. The rain this June reminds me of that house building time- where it rained every day straight for the two week vacation.

It's different now. Instead of sleeping in a wet and damp sleeping bag I can watch from the dry indoors. I have plenty to do so I'm not affected by dry or wet, except that I can now look at the weather radar for the next approaching thunderstorm. I watch the bright greens of the leaves and how the forest fills in its canopy.

And once in awhile the sun comes out. The Ramapo River is much higher than normal, even higher than in Spring. It's not flood stage but from my pictures I have a reference point on a one rock and the water is up 8 inches from May, and that makes the currents and vortexes even more visible and complex to watch.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wind and Waves

Emerson spoke about being in the woods, of the metaphor of Nature to describe the Divine and the infinite. I have experiences of the infinite when I'm in the woods, and also when I'm on the water. A boat under sail, on an angle, wind full in the sail, overlooking broad horizons and the wind and sun touching your skin are all reminders of Nature. It's time to plan a trip.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Which Path Today

The drive is only 10 minutes. I arrive in the parking lot, travel coffee mug and camera with me and now faced with a decision. There are three (really more) great paths. All begin by going over the bridge. After the bridge- if I go right I take the walk around the lake. The spring greens (or the colorful fall leaves) reflect off the water along with the bright blue sky dotted with jet engine condensation streams. This is a flat trail, beautiful and reflective. After the bridge- if I go straight I take the mountain hike using the road or a trail to get to the upper lake or the granite vistas. The road traverses and has great views of the creek, lake and from the top a great view of the Ramapo Mountains and college below. After the bridge- going left I follow the river. Heading south walking in the direction the water flows I watch the shore, the river, the swirls moving. Green forest to my right, the river and shore to the left. Most recently it's all been about the River trail.

The Interface

There is water. There is the river bed. There is the river edge and there is the air. All interface with each other. At the interface is where the apparent disturbance occurs. At the interface is the vortex. This river knows only to flow toward the South. It passes no judgment about the rocks or shoreline or the air it touches. It flows. If at any time it sees turbulence, it suitably shifts, knowing its greater purpose. You can live life in solitude, minimizing interaction at the interfaces or you can see the orchestration of activity at the interfaces.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


For thousands of years people have worked to construct a model of how things flow through the Universe. Aristotle and the Greeks thought that beyond earth and between planets and stars was an 'aether', a fifth element. When Michelson and Morley conducted experiments to measure the speed of light between mountain tops, they hypothesized light traveled through this same ether. So this week I have been making sense of my fascination with water flowing over rocks. When I looked at my history of photo taking I realized a theme. When I was a kid we lived near Ralph Stover State Park in Bucks County, PA. We spent family picnic time there and I remember rock stepping across the Tohickon Creek. I remember another time at Worlds End State Park . Here is the evolving theme of my fascination with shorelines, water and rocks.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The River Flows

Today I flow with ease and grace. I move as the water flows through the river. Bending and maneuvering through every apparent obstacle while making my way to the destination. More photos of Montana and the Yellowstone River.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sharing Space

Throughout the winter I've had a chance to look from my upstairs vantage point and watch the woods. More the deer, the birds, the trees and more.
Although this is a suburban town there are a few patches of woods where animals- raccoon, possum, squirrels, chipmunks, foxes and deer live. With the woods bare in the winter the deer were very visible. Now in the full green of spring it's much harder to see them.

One of our autumn activities is to collect (blow and rake) fallen leaves. Over a two or three weekends we do an 80% job of clearing the summer green that is now turned brown. I use a tarp to carry them into the woods. Now this spring the leaves have turned into the perfect sun draped resting ground for the deer. A fallen tree, still with living green sprouts provide really good access for a snack.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Standing on Faith

One of my students studying Emerson's Essays has created a blog. Turtles and Swans
In a recent post called, 'posturing' I was drawn to the photograph of the swans on the log. What intrigued me were the swans to the right of the log. They seem to be standing on something invisible. I am struck by the similarity when comparing these swans to my idea of faith. Where conditions seem to indicate that there is nothing to stand on, the swans have identified their base. It is not observable to anyone from the roadside, but they stand clear in their position. Rooted on the log. Standing in faith.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I realize that rivers are in at least two of my key nature places. The Ramapo River is a core low land feature of Ramapo Reservation in Mahwah. The park is magnificent because you can choose the watery low land hike, the ascending on road hike, the ascending through the woods hike with stream or without, or just a walk around the lake.

Being in the woods is often accompanied with the quiet that I enjoy. From the quiet I can hear my heart, my breath and I picture my heart beating, pumping and distributing fresh blood and O2. Being next to the river I listen to the rushing of water that overcomes any sound of cars driving on nearby roads. Only 30 yards wide in this area, the river sometimes seems like a stream. There are numerous places to sit, either on the shore, or slightly above the river. These are my places of nature watching, of meditation.

I like circles and spirals; especially where they exist in motion. The place where the river intersects the shoreline are natural spiral locations. The place where rocks, immovable objects, force the fluid water to go around them are perfect places for spirals. Emerson says about circles, "...the highest emblem in the cipher of the world".

Sunday, May 03, 2009

The Dropping of Leaves

I have taken a long hiatus from posting. I teach a course, Emerson's Essays and the Transcendentalists, where we study and interpret the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson. We look at several essays like Nature, Self Reliance, Over-Soul, Circles and others. We begin with 'Nature', from the 2nd Series which was published in 1841. One of the class assignments is 'to be like Emerson' by maintaining a 'beauty log', a journal keptduring the 8 weeks of class. Listening to my students' experiences has revived my interest to write.

Nature is my home, my comfort. The trees deeply rooted in Earth are my reminder of the depth of my connection to the land and the forest. Over the past 3-4 years I've developed my favorite spots to visit at local 'parks of inspiration', my places of solace. That which is a noisy sports field in the afternoon or weekend is a quiet and natural beauty early in the morning.

On many Spring, Summer and Fall mornings I would stop by and rest, witness, and affirm the goodness of the day. Sometimes I would walk across the grass or through the dirt infield of a ball field. Other times I would just rest on a bench and listen. Listen to nature. Far from highways I treasure the silence, trees surrounding the park, the grass field and the colors.

There is a time in fall, when the leaves turn color and there is a time when they release and fall to the ground. One October morning, where I normally experience silence, I was enamored by the sound of leaves falling, of the collision of summer's green beauties now turned bright yellow and dropping. Listen to the forest.