Monday, September 28, 2009

Clearing in the Woods- Fall (1)

Fall arrived last week without much fanfare. I've had a sore back condition for about 3-4 weeks in August/September and I am rejoicing to be pain free...and back hiking. Today's temperatures were 74 and humid with lots of wind from the southwest as a new colder front moves in.

The two most inspiring periods in the woods are Spring and Fall. In Spring you can see the new growth sprouting in April and by the end of May the trees are in full leaf and the ground cover has filled in. It goes from empty space to full green thick growth in that two months. And now, early Fall, the green cover has subsided, the river level has subsided and the woods yells out with the sound of dropping leaves forming a rug on which to hike, padded seats on which to rest, and colors on which to feast your eyes.