Monday, November 29, 2010

Morning Clarity

So well represented today by the frost on the back deck.
(click on picture to enlarge)

Rumi says it perfectly

Today's Panhala poem is by Rumi.  On A Day When the Wind is Perfect
and my favorite section reminds me of going out for a sail-
On a day when the wind is perfect
the sail just needs to open
and the love starts.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Sunrise Planet Newark

I know that texting while driving or using your cell phone without a headset are dangerous operations. Dangerous for yourself and others on the road. In addition to my iphone camera I usually travel with a point an shoot camera in the car. With that I caught the sunrise while heading south on the NJ turnpike. It shows the eastern radiance highlighting the cargo cranes of the wharf.  I heard once that in Oakland, CA the tall shipping cranes were an inspiration to George Lucas when he designed the robots in the sand battle for the second Star Wars film. The sun, the cranes provided an awesome view of planet-full living.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sun Angle

It's getting dark earlier now. This weekend we will adjust our clocks and align sunrise with our waking hours. I went walking yesterday in the late afternoon.  Over half the leaves seem to be down and we have gone below freezing for two mornings in a row now. Yes, shorter days and cold are here. I haven't been on the lake trail in a month so this was a happy re-walk.

The hornet's nest I watched since June has now fallen off the bush, bees gone, paper mache form opened up and the comb structure revealed. What struck me the most was seeing the sun illuminate the group of yellow leaf trees on the mountain. Mountains monitor two sides with their constant presence.

The sun's late afternoon narrow angle presented shade at the lake and bright yellow at the trees. Breath taking. I'm heading back today for a repeat performance.