Monday, February 07, 2011

Where Birds, Squirrels and Humans Meet

For over a decade we have supported the winter feeding of birds. Right now we have a hexagon shaped feeder that holds over a gallon of sun flower seed. blue birds, red headed work peckers, cardinals, finches and a few other bird species love to visit. Our back yard is like an air field. Birds first line up in the back woods and wait for a clear approach. They approach the feeder, avoiding mid air collisions, and land on the ledge for a seed extravaganza.

And along with any free food outlet come the squirrels. Through the years we have experimented with different squirrel defense fortifications, or maginot lines, designed to keep the squirrels out of the bird feeder. I have come to learn that squirrels are very creative. They use persistent experimentation to find ways to reach the feeder. Some historical data- Over the past four years the squirrels have learned to jump eight inches higher. Second, a twelve inch disc that provides a protective squirrel collar no longer works. The squirrels now jump from the railing to the pole, shimmy up to the collar and do a wrap around maneuver to get up to the feeder.

So today I added a sixteen inch collar that goes on top of the twelve inch barrier.  Three hours since placement the squirrels efforts to reach the feeder have been subverted; my victory for the day.

p.s. the squirrels do not go hungry. At the deck level they feed on the seeds dropped by the birds at the feeder.

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