Tuesday, September 14, 2010

After the Storm

As a teen I took up sailing with an attitude when my father moved from the speed and noise of power boats to the slow and quiet of the sailboat. As an adult I have gone through periods of sailing my boat, sailing on friend's boats, and no sailing-no boat. For the past five years I've had a 22 foot trailer sailer. It is a perfect low maintenance vessel used on the water in summer and resting in the driveway in winter. My intention this year has been to share sailing with friends and family. And it is going oh so perfectly!

Last night was a late start because of the a thunder storm traveling from west to east. We were on the edge of the storm and delayed our embarking to wait for the rain. The rain stopped and right before going out we saw this rainbow- touching land to the south and the north. Out on the water the thin wispy clouds continued to pour over the western slopes. We traveled to Ossining, toured the prison by sea and returned with a dark, star lit night as the wind died and the current built against us
An awesome place to be. Today it is blowing 15-20 knots from the west-northwest. Sailing begins at 4:30.

1 comment:

kathy said...
