Monday, October 08, 2007

Mindfull of Fall Afternoons

Every year I take pictures of the changing leaves. Last week I was totally enmeshed in witnessing the 5 pm warmth of the sun, the declining angle of sun to the horizon, the leaves beginning to change and the humans in the park at experiencing these conditions.
The location- not totally unique, but a school yard, equipped with trees around the perimeter, a baseball backstop, a playing field and a play ground.

The perfect location.
With temperatures in the high 70s, the afternoon sun felt good. On the maple leaves overhead I saw the beginning of the annual change, clumps where the green center was being taken over by the yellow entering from the perimeter. I walked the field, just watching kids play- two teens throwing a football, others riding their bikes, a grandparent taking kids to play on the playground. And in each time passing I felt the breezes turn slightly cooler as the sun moved closer to the horizon. The shadows crept across the field as the trees made use of the light as they stood in their fall transformation.

As playgrounds go, this one was elegant. Plastic, colorful, and with side by side sliding boards- at least 3 sets of them. Plastic has the benefit that the slide can be curved from side to side-- gone are the days of hot seats on aluminum sliding boards. No need to burnish the metal with wax paper to speed the ride. Kids don't fall off the sliding board today, this playground had a 10 inch deep seat with safety sides. It's all complete- built as one piece. I stood on the top of the playground- enjoying the park view- no kids at that time. When they did arrive, I moved off and just observed. This afternoon the playground served first teens, then about 10 year olds and my last view was a boy about 5 and a girl around 3. The Divine is always present and it appears in awesome ways. Being ready to see it is the key. I saw it that afternoon. Between the sun and my position was the playground. The kids were having fun, experiencing all areas of the playground, taking a few rides down the sliding board. As I looked toward the sun and I could still see the blue color of the sliding board.

My amazement (wish I had a picture) - As I watched the sun, as I watched the playground I saw someone, something go down the sliding board with hair on end! As if it were gelled standing up- the hair I saw was standing upright, on end. I saw no body, only hair. What?? I had never seen anything like that before. I had to think about 10 seconds until I realized that the child's hair was responding to the static charge buildup on the plastic sliding board. As she was small, her hair was right next to the plastic surface. Amazing! I didn't hear anything more from the boy or the girl. One ride seemed enough and they left the playground with their grandparent. For me, I was left with this incredible experience of the physical world, the divine world in action. It was my blessing to be mindfull and to witness it. P&B

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